Annual Coyote Compeition
Shooting you the best price in Central Illinois! 508A WEST MAIN ST, TOLEDO ILLINOIS 62468
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to have a FOID card to take an ICC or a NRA Class?
A FOID card is not required for a training class unles you are bringing your own firearm. However, you must meet all of the requirements and be eligible to obtain a FOID card.
What do I need to purchase a firearm in Illinois?
A buyer is legally required to provide a driver's license, a current FOID card, and complete a Federal 4473 form which will be approved by the Illinois State Police.
How long after a firearm purchase can the buyer take the firearm?
After approval from the state, long guns and pistols can be picked up after 72 hours.
Where can I get a FOID Card or Join the NRA?
X RING CUSTOM can provide assistance in applying online for a FOID card along with taking your picture. Also, NRA membership application forms are available.
Business of the Month
April 2013
Where can I get information and updates on the 430 ILCS 66 Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act?
Information and updates are available on the Illinois State Police (ISP) webpage. Below is a link to the ISP website for information and updates: