Annual Coyote Compeition
Shooting you the best price in Central Illinois! 508A WEST MAIN ST, TOLEDO ILLINOIS 62468
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9TH Annual X RING CUSTOM Coyote Competition
Friday & Saturday January 17-18, 2020
X RING CUSTOM held their 9th Annual Coyote Competition on Friday, January 17, 2020 and Saturday, January 18, 2020. At signup, each team received bite sticks, door prize tickets, and a competitor drawing ticket for the FoxPro Firestorm Electronic Call. Then, on Friday, at 5:00 pm, a total of 26 teams from throughout Illinois (grand total of 50 hunters) started their hunting adventure. Teams called in downed coyotes throughout the 24-hour hunt and ended with a Saturday 5:00pm coyote check-in.
Even with trying weather conditions, a cold, rainy, snowy Friday night and gusty wind conditions on Saturday, an impressive total of 49 coyotes were called in by the competitors. There were 48 coyotes checked in, weighed, and counted on Saturday. The check-in crew carefully inspected each coyote to ensure it was a fresh kill. Food, awards, and drawings took place at X RING CUSTOM starting at 5:30pm. Many hunters received various door prizes consisting of a hunting bags, calls, knives, coyote urine, tools, and other hunting gear from area and corporate sponsors including: Hornady MFG., FoxPro, Hall’s Fur and Game Farm, and X RING CUSTOM.
Winning the drawing for the FoxPro Firestorm Call, from X RING CUSTOM, was Cody Overton of Humboldt.
Cash prizes were given to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Biggest, and Smallest coyote winning teams. Custom designed coyote skull mount trophies, made by Colin Cole of Toledo, were given to the 1st place team.
Winning 1st place with 8 coyotes, weighing 261.55 lbs., was Todd Hewing of Hidalgo and Jake Hewing of Greenup. Chris Stoneburner of Iola and Michael Cain of Mason downed 7 coyotes weighing 197.8 lbs. which earned them the 2nd place prize. Coming in 3rd place was Blake Becker of DuQuoin and Sean Meadows of Mulkeytown with 6 coyotes weighing 211.1 lbs. Jacob Milam of Olney and Nathan Adams of Sumner snagged 5 coyotes weighing 163.4 lbs earning them 4th place. 5th place went to Fred Terbrak of Makanda and Paul Browne of Goreville for grabbing 4 coyotes weighing 136.45 lbs.
Michael Schmidt of Dennison and Taylor Sloop of Marion snatched the biggest coyote which weighed a whopping 40.6 lbs. The smallest coyote, 21.7 lbs. was brought in by Chris Stoneburner of Iola and Michael Cain of Mason.
After the hunt, many cold, red-eyed hunters enjoyed some hot chili, peanut butter sandwiches, and brownies while telling their interesting hunting stories and made some cherished hunting memories from the competition. X RING CUSTOM is looking forward to the 10th Annual Coyote Competition in 2021!