Annual Coyote Compeition
Shooting you the best price in Central Illinois! 508A WEST MAIN ST, TOLEDO ILLINOIS 62468
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1st Annual Coyote Competition - February 19, 2012

X RING CUSTOM held our 1st Annual Coyote Competition with a total of 13 two person teams from Cumberland County and serveral other area counties on Sunday February 19th 2012. Each team phoned in their coyote kills during the day. A grand total of six coyotes were killed. The 1st place team, winning 75% of the team's entry fees, was Bart Holsapple and Gabe Shafer with three coyotes. The 2nd place team was Todd Hewing and Dave Staley with two coyotes. Jamie Blade adn Rich Foote came in 3rd place with one coyote. The biggest coyote prize, 10% of the team's entry fees, also went to Bart Holsapple and Gabe Shafer. The winner of the FoxPro Electronic Game Call raffle was Ty Paul.
A tot al of 64 people enjoyed the competition throughout the day followed with hot chili and big hunting stories after the competition. This is to be and Annual event and the 2nd Annual X RING CUSTOM Coyote Competition is being planned for a cold Saturday in January 2013.